Clinics & Services

Children’s Health
We carry out the six-week check on our patients. The health visitors perform the other routine checks.
We offer advice to both men and women on all aspects of family planning.
We can give advice on giving up, provide treatment to aid stopping smoking and there are smoking cessation clinics held locally.
Two of our practice nurses specialise in diabetes and organise regular check-ups. This is especially important for diabetics who are not seen at the hospital.

Asthma clinics are held at both The Park Surgery and Nafferton by two of our practice nurses. These clinics aim to improve the control of asthma symptoms and help you to understand the treatments that are currently available, enabling you to take control of your asthma and lead a normal. Make your asthma check appointments through the reception.
Heart Disease
Any patient known to have heart disease will automatically be offered an annual check-up organised by our practice nurses.
We recommend that every woman between the ages of 24 years and 6 months to 64 years have a cervical smear. Letters are sent out to remind patients when their smear is due. In the East Riding, it is recommended that a smear should be carried out every three years for patients aged 24 years & 6 months - 50. For patients aged 51 – 64 the recommendation is five years.
Menopause and HRT
The doctors and practice nurses can give advice about the menopause. There are various ways of keeping fit and healthy at this time, including hormone replacement therapy.
Sexual Health Clinic
For contraception advise and STI Testing you can alsocontact conifer house. Please note the surgery does not fit or remove coils and implanons - these services can be accessed through Conifer House.

You can access NHS physiotherapy directly by calling 01377 208300 or by referring yourself online
Mental Health Services
Stressed, anxious or feeling down?
We all sometimes feel stressed, anxious or down from time to time, but if you have been having these feelings for a few weeks or more you may benefit from our support.
You can access talking therapies and help with mental health issues by calling 01482 335451 or by referring yourself online to Emotional Wellbeing Service.
Wound Care
Unfortunately, the practice does not offer a wound care service - this includes post operative wound checks and lower limb care services.
Please contact CHCP wound care